Janet, profile photo

Tuesday match is now at 2:30 at Bellagio meet in the parking lot 1:50 to carpool

Janet, profile photo

OOOPS its a little far lets meet 1:30

Janet, profile photo

The Buena Vida girls are coming on Monday at 10:30 to scrimmage. Not sure how many they are bringing maybe 6 - so a few will play them and the rest will practice. Paul Neiger is coming to give us a clinic at the same time. TBD who plays but I would like people who have not played in a match yet to play a game.
Thank you.

Carla, profile photo

I will be there 😊

Janet, profile photo
Janet responded in

They are home team but playing at Cascades

Janet, profile photo
Janet responded out

This is their home match but playing at Cascades

Janet, profile photo

We are going to change practice to Monday mornings at 10:30 after this week.