Janet, profile photo

This clinic is full Doris, Karen and plus 1, Susan, Carla, Janet M, Batia, Joan

Marsha, profile photo

Above there were only 6 where you are supposed to sign in when I added my name...now I read this so apparently I can not join this....correct?

Janet, profile photo

Meet at courts at 2:00 to carpool please

Janet, profile photo

Very nice

Janet, profile photo

We had a great match yesterday against Valencia Shores, All our teams did very well. They were tough opponents. Thank you very much. Next week is the best team in our division so be sure to put in playerlineup if you can play. We need to beat them!! Go Pickle Pack.


We packed those picklers!

Doris, profile photo

Congratulations Team. Good job.

Janet, profile photo

Pros cancelling today but we can still practice. They are coming Wed at 10:30 instead.
Try to make that one, thank you.